
Other safety issues to be checked:

  1. if the information and loading signs are available and updated;
  2. if any storage cell is overloaded;
  3. if the single loads stability is sufficient;
  4. if the single loads dimensions are satisfactory.

Preventing the dangers in goods handling area provide significant cost saving and it is a common practice in developed countries.

Inspection supervision

The rack inspection is carried out in the most complete way by IMVOs' experts in complience with EN 15635, covering every particular detail of the system.
We provide complex detailed assessment of storage security level and conclude a respective report with recommendations towards each issue:

  1. use of rack according to its' purpose;
  2. the loading and unloading order to meet safe exploitation requirements (special note for drive-in/ drive-through racks loading order). It is prohibited to break the loading and unloading order, as well as keeping the loaded pallets on top levels while the lower levels remain empty; It's strictly prohibited to push or drag pallets along the rack rulers;
  3. the strike damage of any structural element, in particular – the upright and beam;
  4. deviation of uprights towards the vertical position;
  5. condition and efficient function of all components, especially on the bottom level between floor and beams;
  6. cracks in the material of welded point;
  7. floor condition;
  8. packaging and tray condition;
  9. goods position on a pallet;
  10. packaging right position on a rack and on a floor;
  11. is the rack installed according to the installation guide.
Sales department:
+38 (032) 297-04-50
+38 (032) 297-09-56
+38 (032) 297-04-79
[email protected]